Why You Should Send A Thank You Email After A Job Interview

So you’ve just gotten out of a job interview. How do you feel? Elated? Relieved? Maybe even embarrassed about a question you flubbed toward the end? Well, instead of overanalyzing the small furrow you saw in the interviewer’s brow, it’s time to get back in gear and start sending a ‘thank you’ email! You may have heard of sending a ‘thank you’ email before, but have you actually taken the time to do it? Although far from unheard of, a post-interview ‘thank you’ email still remains an uncommon practice in job seeking. In this article, we’ll explain why we recommend sending a ‘thank you’ email and tips on how to write one, along with a useful a email template (you can thank us later). 

Why Send Thank You Emails After Your Interview?

We’re of the opinion that ‘thank you’ emails should become a must-do in the interview process, but if they were as popular as they should be, their impact wouldn’t nearly be as large. Interviewers don’t typically expect their candidates to send a ‘thank you’ email, which is truly what makes it such a notable action to take when in the running for a position. One of the most significant keys to success as a candidate is standing out from your fellow job seekers. Hiring managers will be pleasantly surprised by your gratitude and attention-to-detail when receiving a ‘thank you’ email, which reflects on how they view you and your candidacy. 

In summary, a ‘thank you’ email is your golden opportunity to demonstrate gratitude, reinforce your interest, establish rapport, and show your professionalism, all while standing out from other candidates. 

If you feel you missed opportunities to represent yourself during the actual interview, the ‘thank you’ email is a chance to address any points you may not have fully covered during the interview. You can take the opportunity to highlight additional skills, experiences, or insights relevant to the position. Additionally, you can make up for questions where you didn’t properly articulate yourself by clarifying and/or correcting your answers in the email. 

Tips For Sending An Exceptional Post-Interview Thank You Email

Send Your Thank You Email On The Same Day

It’s best to send the ‘thank you’ email in a close time frame from when the interview took place. This will ensure the hiring manger easily recalls you and your interview. Even if it may seem like the next day is a suitable period of time, there’s no knowing how many interviews are taking place throughout the day leading up to your follow-up email. Ideally, send the email 1-2 hours after the interview. If that’s not possible, try to keep it within the same day that your interview was. Whatever you do, do not send your ‘thank you’ email outside of the company’s working hours. Usually, the hiring manager won’t be opening their email until the next morning, and by that point, your email could very well be buried in other communications. 

Personalize Your Thank You Email

The best way to ensure your ‘thank you’ email leaves a good impression is to make sure it’s personalized. A generic “thank you for your time, please let me know if you have any other questions”, although also important, should not be the bulk of your email. Address the email to the interviewer by name and include specific details from your conversation to personalize the message. Mention something you discussed that stood out to you. This is what will really make you memorable.

Reiterate Your Interest

Clearly express your enthusiasm for the position and the company. If the hiring manager sees you are clearly still invested in the role, they are more likely to bring you back for another interview or keep you in consideration for the role. Take a bit of time to reinforce what makes you excited for the role, why you want to work for the company, and what makes you the right fit. Without being too forceful, of course. 

Include an Offer to Provide More Information

In the time constraints of a 15 or 30 minute interview, your hiring manager won’t always be able to get the picture of you that they need to confidently move you along the hiring process. This is one of the reasons that ‘thank you’ emails are so effective. Let the hiring manager know that you are happy to provide more information and clarification into you and your work history. Perhaps offer to set up a virtual coffee chat to talk more casually about the role. They may not always take your offer, but they’ll appreciate the thought. 

Consider Including a LinkedIn Connection

If appropriate, you might mention connecting on LinkedIn to stay in touch or to network in the future, but make sure it fits naturally within the context. Even if you don’t continue along the recruitment process, this will keep the hiring manager in your network for future opportunities. 

Try Using Our Thank You Email Template


I wanted to take a moment to thank you for the opportunity to interview for the [JOB TITLE] position at [COMPANY NAME]. I enjoyed our discussion about [SPECIFIC TALKING POINT]. It was exciting to hear about [EXPAND ON SPECIFIC TALKING POINT]. 


Thank you once again for your time and insights into [COMPANY NAME]’s vision. I am very enthusiastic about the opportunity to bring my expertise to your team and help make your projects even more successful. Please feel free to reach out if you need any further information from my side.

I look forward to hearing about the next steps in the hiring process!

Best regards,


Example Thank You Email

Hi John,

I wanted to take a moment to thank you for the opportunity to interview for the Project Manager position at Apex Construction. I enjoyed our discussion about the upcoming Brookstone Development project. It was exciting to hear about the innovative approaches your team is implementing to enhance sustainability and efficiency on the site.

I've been reflecting on the importance of effective collaboration among subcontractors that we discussed, especially in light of the challenges we've faced in prior projects. I believe my experience leading cross-functional teams and my background in building strong supplier relationships would help ensure the Brookstone project runs smoothly and stays on schedule.

Thank you once again for your time and insights into Apex Construction's vision. I am very enthusiastic about the opportunity to bring my expertise to your team and help make your projects even more successful. Please feel free to reach out if you need any further information from my side.

I look forward to hearing about the next steps in the hiring process!

Best regards,

Michael Thompson


In conclusion, taking the time to send a ‘thank you’ email after a job interview is a small but powerful gesture that can significantly influence your candidacy. It allows you to express genuine gratitude, leave a positive impression, and further demonstrate your interest in the position and the company. By personalizing your message and forming a tangible connection with your interviewer, you not only differentiate yourself from other candidates but also highlight your professionalism and communication skills. Remember, a well-crafted ‘thank you’ email can be the final touch that helps you stand out as a top contender. So, don’t overlook this valuable opportunity—make it a habit to follow up with a ‘thank you’ note after every interview, and watch as it enhances your job search journey.

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