5 Tips To Overcome Canada’s Labour Shortage

Have you noticed less and less applications coming in for your job openings? Canada is facing a nation-wide labour shortage, and it’s beginning to have a major impact on the recruitment process for many industries. Since the pandemic, the job market has seen dramatic changes on all sides, yet, not every organization has adapted to it. It’s time to start evolving your recruitment strategy to begin acquiring the top talent your organization needs, but where do you start? In this article, we’ll provide 5 expert recruitment tips to start expanding your talent pool and maximizing your chances of acquiring the industry’s most qualified job candidates. 

Is Canada Facing A Labour Shortage? 

Yes, the federal government has acknowledged that there are labour shortages across the country. The industries suffering the most from labour shortages are healthcare, skilled trades, technology, and hospitality, but many sectors are starting to feel the lack of working people in Canada.

Why Is Canada Facing A Labour Shortage?

There’s a variety of factors contributing to Canada’s labour shortage. One main reason is that a large portion of Canada’s current workforce are reaching retirement age, causing a gradual decrease in the pool of available workers across industries. The pandemic may also be partially to blame, creating a shift in work preferences among young Canadians and a surge in the demand for workers to help restrengthen Canada's economy. 

You may have noticed a lack of skilled and qualified workers in recent years. This may also be relevant to Canada’s labour shortage, as employers require more qualifications than young Canadians are able to offer. This indicates a larger issue clashing expectations between employers and Canada’s education system. 

In response to these challenges, the Canadian government and businesses are exploring various strategies to attract and retain talent, including enhancing immigration policies, improving working conditions, and investing in training and development programs.

So, what can your organization do to start acquiring valuable talent? We’ve put together a list of tips, ranging from quick and simple improvements to a complete strategic overhaul of your recruiting process, to help you attract and retain new talent across Canada’s industries. 

5 Tips To Acquire Valuable Talent During Canada’s Labour Shortage

Flexible Work Arrangements

Since the pandemic, job-seeking Canadians have developed new preferences for their work environment, with one of the biggest being flexible work arrangements. In particular, remote and hybrid work arrangements have become very attractive to job seekers, along with flexible work hours. This allows them to tailor their work day to what works best for them, whether it be working in the office during the morning or working remotely throughout the evening when they feel most productive. 

Although some industries, such as construction and healthcare, don’t have the option to offer remote work, there are still small ways you can give your employees more freedom and flexibility in where and how they work. Even some of the most in-person attuned positions can have more minor, administrative responsibilities that can be tackled from home. Review your positions for any job responsibilities that are redundant in the office, and offer the opportunity to take on these more menial tasks from home or during after hours. 

Invest in Employee Development

We briefly covered the skill gap between job seekers and employers earlier, and this strategy seeks to resolve it with a bit of compromise. If you feel that the vast majority of your applicants aren’t meeting your criteria, consider investing in an employee development program. Create opportunities for training, mentorship, and professional growth to attract those seeking long-term career development. With this, you may be able to take on more employees who, although not meeting all your qualifications, are able to be shaped with the hard and soft skills your team needs. 

Employees are more likely to stay with a company that invests in their growth. Development opportunities demonstrate that the organization values their contributions and is committed to their career progression. This means your organization will gain more skilled, adaptable employees who are going to stay with you in the long-term. 

Utilize Recruitment Agencies

Executive recruitment agencies like Campbell Morden make recruitment easy by taking charge of the recruitment process while saving you valuable effort and time. Allow us to create a tailored solution to fulfill your recruitment needs. When it comes to highly specialized roles in the manufacturing, insolvency, healthcare, sales, and accounting sectors, being able to fully understand the full range of your candidate's skills can be a challenge. Recruitment agencies solve this by taking care of the early pre-screening process on your behalf, ensuring that you meet the candidates who most fit your needs and expectations. 

Rushed and non-strategic recruiting can lead to employees who don’t meet expectations and rising turnover rates. A recruitment agency has the time, resources, and expertise to make sure recruitment is tackled strategically and professionally, accounting for your business and needs, as well as each candidate’s abilities and potential.

Contact Campbell Morden today to start streamlining your recruitment process and finding the highly skilled candidates your business needs. 

Offer Sign-On and Retention Bonuses

An offer sign-on and retention bonus may be just the incentive you need to edge out competitors and begin acquiring the best talent the industry has to offer. One hurdle many organizations face is retaining talent after hiring, and this is where the retention bonus comes in. A retention bonus ensures that your top talent is incentivized to stay with your organization long-term. Although this option is one of the more costly, you will likely find it to be the most effective. 

Improve the Candidate Experience

Sometimes, a candidate’s interest in a company can wane as early on as the application process. Streamline the application process from beginning to end to prevent drop off from job seekers. Ultimately, the recruitment process will, on the candidate side, reflect how your organization operates on a larger scale. Candidates will see certain actions like vague communication, invasive questions, and an uninterested interviewer as red flags. Ensure a smooth and respectful recruitment process, providing timely feedback and clear communication. Candidate’s want to feel like their application matters, so don’t push them to the side. If your organization has too much on their plate to be attentive, that’s even more reason to begin hiring a recruitment agency to make the recruitment process more efficient and less time consuming. 


Overcoming Canada’s labour shortage requires a multifaceted approach that addresses the evolving needs of both job seekers and employers. As the workforce landscape continues to change, organizations must adapt their strategies to attract and retain valuable talent. By implementing flexible work arrangements, investing in employee development, utilizing recruitment agencies, offering incentives, and improving the candidate experience, businesses can enhance their appeal in a competitive job market. These strategies not only help in finding the right candidates but also foster a culture of loyalty and growth within the organization. By taking proactive steps today, you can build a robust workforce that is equipped to meet the demands of your organization’s future. 


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