Why Should You Let A Recruiter Find Your Dream Job?

Most of the jobs on the market today are found through peer referrals. They are not advertised. Only by networking is how we can find these hidden jobs. Rarely do companies post their jobs on Indeed.com or LinkedIN.com with no suitable candidate in mind. We know that corporations advertise their jobs in order to maintain a corporate image. They want to show upper management that they are doing all they can to recruit the best candidate on the market. How do candidates work with recruiters to find your dream job? Here are some reasons why you should let a recruiter find your dream job:

1) We Know The Market, Your Industry And What You Are Specifically Looking For.

Recruiters have conversations with people. That's key! Applying directly to a company job posting , you might experience the black-hole syndrome that candidates fear. No feedback, An automated reply and no comments on what happened during your interview. Using a recruiter, we try and understand what you are specifically looking for. We also try to understand your salary and compensation that you are looking for in your next role. Although we might go silent for a few months, it is best to have a conversation with us to keep us in your radar. Once a suitable position opens up (either through our own job referral or our own networking), we can then contact you for the role to see if you are interested in pursuing it or not.

2) We Can Keep You In The Loop

Finding a full time job and going through 3-5 interviews can take a toll on the candidate. Imagine going through this process with no feedback on why the company / corporation is doing such due diligence. Using a recruiter, you should be able to get feedback on every step of the interview process. We act as facilitators between the corporation and candidate. We can give you valuable insights on what the Hiring Manager wants to see and what he does not want to see.

Recruiters are constantly in touch with senior management of their clients (some of them will be long term clients that recruiters has worked with for years). They understand the company culture and what will and will not work when being interviewed. You can use this knowledge to prepare for your upcoming interview.

3) We Help With Offer Negotiation

Once you have interviewed with the Hiring Manager, VP and President, its time to negotiate a competitive offer. Recruiters will try and gain a deep understanding of what you are looking for and why you are looking for that desired compensation in order to facilitate and negotiate back to the corporation. Recruiters know how much the corporation can flex in their compensation requirements or if their budgeted salary for the position is a hard line or not.

Maybe they can negotiate your salary review after a 6 month probationary period. Offer negotiations especially for very senior level positions can take months before the candidate will start in his new role. There is lots of back and forth during this phase of the recruitment process. Having a clear picture of what you are looking for is critical when negotiating benefits or fringe benefits for your company.

So should you let a recruiter find your dream job? Yes. Yes you should. Reach out to me today and learn how Campbell Morden can help you find your next dream role.

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