How To Have a Succesful Candidate Interview

All employers want to have a successful candidate interview. Candidates spend a lot of time prepping for interviews by studying the business, forming practical answers for commonly-asked questions, and deciding on what outfit to wear to make a good impression. It is necessary to prepare well before the interview. Good companies always acknowledge and admire candidates' efforts. 

On the other side, as the interviewer, have you thought about the appearance you're making on your most promising candidates? Interviewers need to make just as good of an impression as the candidate. So learn how to have a successful candidate interview in this blog.

Perform a Job Study

Besides learning all you can about the prospect, doing a job study is another critical way to prepare. In other words, solidify in your mind precisely what the job requires and comprehend the proficiency and powers that are the slightest concern for a prospect to be thriving. 

Understand what a "day in the life" of the role would look like, and be ready to describe the role's impact on the company. Most individuals come into an interview hoping to know everything you can tell them about the job—make sure you can give them a complete understanding.

Ask the Right Questions

The right questions from your end are just as crucial as the valid answers on the interviewees' end. You generally want to ask pertinent, open-ended questions needing precise answers and spark more profound discussion.

Moreover, behavioural or problem-solving questions can be favourably engaging. Some examples of open-ended behavioural interview questions are:

  • Can you convey an example of when you made a mistake on the job and how you fixed it?
  • How do you plan tasks when you are allotted a new assignment?
  • Have you ever had to complete multiple projects at a time, and how did you manage to perform on those various projects?
  • Have you ever disagreed with a manager? How did you handle it?
  • How do you handle stress?

Do's and Don’ts of Body Language

Body language is just as important as the questions you ask in order to have a successful candidate interview. Here’s some advice on the type of body language you should have before you conduct an important interview. 


  • Cross your legs and twitch your foot; it indicates you feel uneasy.
  • Tap your fingers on the table or massage your neck or face, which shows you are irritated or bored.
  • Lean back in your chair.
  • Fold your arms across your chest.
  • Rest the ankle on the opposite knee, which can indicate superiority.


  • Place both feet flat on the floor.
  • Loosely hold your hands and rest them in your lap or on the table before you.
  • Sit straight forward, encountering your prospect with total concentration and respect.

Remember, when you are interviewing an individual, you become the face of the company. Aside from the ultimate purpose of the interview, which is to assess if the prospect is the right fit, another crucial goal is to deliver an authentic image of who you are as a firm. The interview experience should live up to the company's worth.

Passive vs Active Prospects

Companies looking to fill vacancies in top-tier jobs often lean towards passive instead of active prospects. Passive prospects aren't necessarily looking for a position; they're usually already employed and have the learning and background you want to use. Since you are chasing top talent, the interview becomes a case of the prospect interviewing you as it is of you asking them. For that reason, it's essential to prepare.

As a hiring executive, you become one of the most significant factors in the prospect's ultimate judgment. Work relationships are critical, so you can see the impression of your candidates when you interview. It is either between getting candidates thrilled about a new opportunity or making them head for the hills.

Do Your Research

Lastly, by learning all you can about them, hold yourself to the same benchmark you have your interviewees. Let them know you're mindful of who they are, their achievements, and the skills they carry to the company. Take the time to study their resumes. They'll appreciate your genuine interest.

You can refer to more recruitment articles from Campbell Morden Consultants to help you find the right candidates and perform a successful candidate interview!


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