How Recruiters Screen Their Candidates: Campbell Morden's Method

How do recruiters screen their candidates? What techniques do they use to determine if a potential employee is a good fit for the company? In this blog post, we discuss how recruiters screen their candidates, more specifically what Campbell Morden does when a new candidate approaches us. If you are interested in learning more about how recruiters screen their candidates, then this is the blog post for you!

Motivation for Changing Jobs

The first thing that Campbell Morden looks at is why the candidate is changing their job. "Because I want more money" is not a good enough reason. Is it because the company is going under restructuring? Do you feel like you've plateaued at your current job? Is it because you can't move up? All of these valid reasons but having thee reasons that you just want more money is not enough for our recruiters to take you on as a candidate.


Next thing Campbell Morden looks for is your resume. The positions you held previously, in what industries etc. Then we'll see if we have any jobs that match up with your qualifications and experiences.


After your resume has been reviewed and you've been given a chance to explain your motivation for changing jobs, the next step is an interview. This is where we get to know you a person and see if you'd be a good fit.

Explain The Potential Job

The next thing we might do if we find the right fit is to see how the candidate reacts to the job duties and responsibilities. Campbell Morden will provide a detailed description of the job and what is expected out of the candidate if they were to be hired. This helps us understand how much the candidate knows about the potential position and if they would be a good cultural fit for our company.

We're more than confident that anyone who approaches us we'll be able to find a job that fits perfectly for them. If we don't find a job immediately then we place you on our available candidates page which gives you even more exposure to potential employers.

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