Learn How To Professional Write a Resignation Email (Template Included)

Resigning from a job can be an intimidating experience, especially if you’re unsure of how to approach it. Resignation etiquette is essential and should include writing a formal resignation letter or email. It's important to remember that resigning professionally will help ensure that your relationship with the company remains positive even after you have left. This article provides tips on how to write a professional resignation email, including templates and examples so you can make the process easier. Additionally, we’ll discuss what should be included in your resignation letter as well as advice on ending your employment gracefully.

Should you write a resignation email?

Writing a formal resignation email is essential for anyone who wishes to leave their job on good terms. Resigning professionally can help ensure that your relationship with the company remains in good standing even after you have departed. A resignation letter or email provides an official document of your intent to leave and sets the expectations for how the transition process will move forward.

What should be included in a resignation email

Writing a resignation email is an important step in leaving a job, and it's important to include certain elements in the letter. When writing your resignation email, you should start by stating your intention to resign from the company. Be sure to include the exact date that your resignation will be effective. Also, provide details about why you are choosing to resign at this time. Additionally, you should express your gratitude for the opportunities the company has provided and thank your colleagues for their support throughout your employment.

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How to end your employment gracefully.

When resigning from a job, it is important to remember that ending your employment gracefully is essential. Resignation etiquette calls for maintaining a professional demeanour throughout the entire process and leaving on good terms with your colleagues. One way to do this is by offering to help during the transition period, such as training new employees or helping with projects you were involved in prior to leaving. Additionally, it’s important to be respectful of your colleagues and the company in all interactions, regardless of the circumstances that led to your resignation.

Templates and Examples

There are several templates and examples that can help you write a professional resignation email. When using a template or example, be sure to customize it with specific details about your employment and the company you’re leaving.

Template #1

Dear [Employer Name],

I am writing to formally inform you that I will be resigning from my position as [position title] with [Company Name]. My last day of employment will be [date].

I have thoroughly enjoyed working for the company and appreciate all the opportunities provided. However, at this time I feel it is best for me to pursue other goals and career paths.

Please let me know if there is anything else I can do in order to ensure a smooth transition before my departure. Thank you again for your support throughout my employment.


[Your name]

Template #2

Dear [Name],

This is to inform you that I am resigning from my position as [position] with [company name] effective [date]. It has been a privilege and pleasure to work for your organization, and I thank you for the opportunity.

I wish you, your team, and the company all success in the future. Should there be anything further, I can do to ensure a smooth transition during this time of change, please let me know.


[Your Name]

Template #3

Dear [Employer Name],

I am writing to formally resign from my position as [Position Title] at [Company Name]. My last day of work will be on [date].

Thank you for the opportunities and experiences I have had while working here. I have learned a great deal during my time with your company, and I feel that it has helped me grow both professionally and personally.

Please let me know what further steps are needed in order for this resignation to take effect. I appreciate your understanding and cooperation during this transition period. Once again, thank you for all of the support you have offered me throughout my career here.


[Your Name]

Resigning from a job can be intimidating and stressful, but it doesn’t have to be. With the right preparation, you can make sure that your resignation is handled professionally and gracefully. Writing a formal resignation email is an important part of this process - ensure that you include all necessary details about your departure date, why you are leaving, and express your gratitude for the opportunities provided during your employment. Additionally, remember to maintain professionalism throughout the entire process in order to leave on good terms with both colleagues and employers alike. Resignation emails should not only serve as notification of intent to resign; they should also demonstrate respect for those who employed or worked alongside you during your tenure at the company. Use these tips along with our templates and examples above so that when it comes time to say goodbye – do so confidently!

Brian Pho, Campbell Morden's manufacturing recruiter with more than 10+ years of experience, would love to connect with you! If you want to advance your career, Brian can help!


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